Hoy No Circula Restrictions for Mexico City

Cars with pink stickers, plate ending in 7 and 8, and hologram 1 or 2 must stay at home on January 21. This applies across 16 districts and 18 municipalities in the State of Mexico.

Hoy No Circula Restrictions for Mexico City

On Tuesday, January 21, the Hoy No Circula program will be implemented in Mexico City and 18 surrounding municipalities in the State of Mexico. It is established that vehicles with pink stickers, with plate endings 7 and 8, and hologram 1 or 2 must stay at home.

On this occasion, there will be no double Hoy No Circula program, as there have been no problems with ozone particles and the Environmental Commission of the Megalopolis has not issued alerts for poor air quality. The Hoy No Circula program is activated only in case of environmental contingencies to reduce pollution.

Vehicles that will be allowed to circulate this Tuesday, January 21, are: electric and hybrid cars, those with ecological plates, hologram "00" or "0", health sector vehicles with valid credentials, school transportation and funeral processions, cars for people with disabilities with the corresponding permit, public passenger service vehicles, motorcycles with a valid Tourist Pass, and cars with red, blue, yellow, and green stickers.

Motorists are advised to stay informed about the Hoy No Circula program provisions to avoid penalties and contribute to improving air quality in the metropolitan area.